High-voltage, high-current Darlington arrays ULN2064B/LBthrough ULN2069B/LB are designed for interface between low-levellogic and a variety of peripheral loads such as relays, solenoids, dc andstepper motors, magnetic print hammers, multiplexed LED and incandescentdisplays, heaters, and similar loads. Output off voltage ratingsof 50 V and 80 V are available. These quad drivers can drive resistiveloads to 480 watts (1.5 A x 80 V, 26% duty cycle). For inductiveloads, sustaining voltages of 35 V and 50 V at 100 mA are specified.Quad drivers ULN2064B/LB, ULN2065B/LB, ULN2068B/LB,and ULN2069B/LB are intended for use with TTL, low-speed TTL,and 5 V MOS logic. The ULN2065B/LB and ULN2069B/LB areselected for the 80 V minimum output breakdown specification. TheULN2068B/LB and ULN2069B/LB have pre-driver stages and arerecommended for applications requiring high gain (low input-currentloading). Quad-driver arrays are supplied with heat-sink contact tabsin 16-pin plastic DlPs (suffix ‘B’) and 20-lead surface-mountable widebodySOICs (suffix ‘LB’).