512 Kbit (64Kb x8) UV EPROM and OTP EPROM The M27C512 is a 512 Kbit EPROM offered in thetwo ranges UV (ultra violet erase) and OTP (onetime programmable). It is ideally suited for applicationswhere fast turn-around and pattern experimentationare important requirements and isorganized as 65,536 by 8 bits.The FDIP28W (window ceramic frit-seal package)has transparent lid which allows the user to exposethe chip to ultraviolet light to erase the bit pattern.A new pattern can then be written to thedevice by following the programming procedure.For applications where the content is programmedonly one time and erasure is not required, theM27C512 is offered in PDIP28, PLCC32 andTSOP28 (8 x 13.4 mm) packages.