The ADE77631 features proprietary ADCs and fixed functionDSP for high accuracy over large variations in environmentalconditions and time. The ADE7763 incorporates two secondorder16-bit Σ-∆ADCs, a digital integrator (on CH1), referencecircuitry, temperature sensor, and all the signal processingrequired to perform active and apparent energy measurements,line-voltage period measurement, and RMS calculation on thevoltage and current. The selectable on-chip digital integratorprovides direct interface to di/dt current sensors such asRogowski coils, eliminating the need for an external analogintegrator and resulting in excellent long-term stability and precisephase matching between the current and voltage channels.The ADE7763 provides a serial interface to read data, and apulse output frequency (CF), which is proportional to the activepower. Various system calibration features, i.e., channel offsetcorrection, phase calibration, and power calibration, ensure highaccuracy. The part also detects short duration low or high voltagevariations.The positive-only accumulation mode gives the option toaccumulate energy only when positive power is detected. Aninternal no-load threshold ensures that the part does not exhibitany creep when there is no load. The zero-crossing output (ZX)produces a pulse that is synchronized to the zero-crossing pointof the line voltage. This signal is used internally in the line cycleactive and apparent energy accumulation modes, which enablesfaster calibration.The interrupt status register indicates the nature of the interrupt,and the interrupt enable register controls which event producesan output on the IRQ pin, an open-drain, active low logic output.The ADE7763 is available in a 20-lead SSOP package.